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For the scientific paper “Studies on the strategic planning of the municipalities Glogonj, Jasenovo and Zablace” (79th International Fair of Agriculture – Novi Sad, 12-18th May 2012) After several-months-lasting intensive work of the Institute of Agricultural Economics' research team, and in direct cooperation with the official representatives of the local communities and representatives of individual economic entities from the territory of Glogonj, Jasenovo and Zablace Local Municipalities, by surveying many individual farmers – development-oriented husbandries, along with the higher rank strategic documents estimation (of the Republic of Serbia, Central Serbia, AP Vojvodina, South-Banat and Morava district, the city of Pancevo, the municipality Bela Crkva and the city of Cacak), legal and other provisions, existing plans, projects and visions in the local municipalities (LC Glogonj, LC Jasenovo and LC Zablace), acceptable suggestions and proposals of the Partner Forum members, Coordination Team members, Working Group members (in the fields of: Economic Development; Environment Protection and Social Development), available statistical data and use of available up-to-data literature, were created the Strategies of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development for three selected (suggested) local rural communities, with the defined state in the field of agriculture (SWOT stencil), strategic goals and priority investment projects, in terms of the defined goals realization.


The regional meeting of wine-growers and vintners „VINODELJSTVO“was organized by the Institute of Agricultural Economics, and under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia Government, the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of AP Vojvodina and the Association of Wine-growers and Vintners of Serbia (VIVIS). It was held in period from March 1st to 2nd 2012 in the hotel „Dunav“in Sremski Karlovci.
The general sponsors of the meeting were: Company “Dunav osiguranje Beograd” and the Bank “Postanska stedionica” a.d. Beograd.

In the time period February 22-25th 2012, at the Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest – Romania, was held a „TRAINING IN SCIENTIFIC EXPERTISE“ in the following fields:
1. Agrobusiness management,
2. Production economics.
On behalf of the Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Professor Dr. Drago Cvijanović (Director) and Doc. Dr. Jonel Subić (Director Assistant) took their participation.
The training of the researchers from the Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade was completely funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia.
ИЗВЕШТАЈ – 22-25.02.2012. године (Букурешт-Румунија) ИЗВЕШТАЈ – 22-25.02.2012. године (Букурешт-Румунија) ИЗВЕШТАЈ – 22-25.02.2012. године (Букурешт-Румунија)
ИЗВЕШТАЈ – 22-25.02.2012. године (Букурешт-Румунија) ИЗВЕШТАЈ – 22-25.02.2012. године (Букурешт-Румунија) ИЗВЕШТАЈ – 22-25.02.2012. године (Букурешт-Румунија)

Aiming to implement the project “Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the Republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region” (No. ИИИ 46006), financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Institute of Agricultural Economics, in cooperation with the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, was organized a lecture on:
“Organic production, use of biomass and reclamation of degraded soil as models of sustainable agriculture”

Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде Органска производња, коришћење биомасе и  рекултивација деградираног земљишта као модели одрживе пољопривреде

On 14th May 2010 in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held a Ministerial Conference on "Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy - the Challenges of Access and Cooperation." The conference was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, the Republic of Serbia with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, Cooperative Union of Serbia, Institute of Agricultural Economics and with the support of Agribusiness project USAID. The conference had a two-day program that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management prepared for the representatives of twelve international delegations who attended to the opening of the 77th International Fair of Agriculture, Novi Sad on Saturday, 15th May 2010.

ministrska_konferencija Реформа заједничке пољопривредне политике – изазови приступа и сарадње

Slavica Arsić, B.Sc. engenier of agriculture is on 11th March 2010 successfully defended her master thesis at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Priština, Zubin Potok, Lešak, titled, „The Importance Marketing Approach in the Production of Beef and its Economic Justification“; Commission consisted of the following members: Prof., Jovan Jovanović Ph.D; mentor (regular retired professor), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pristina, Prof. Drago Cvijanović, Ph.D. Scientific Advisor, Institute for Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, President of Commission, and Prof. Milinko Milenkovic Ph.D., the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Priština, a member.

Извештај са одбране магистарске тезе Извештај са одбране магистарске тезе slavica_arsic_odbrana_magistarske_teze_2

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